14 | 02 | 2025
LX Nav Flight Computers, Variometers and IGC Recorders
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LX Training Videos


Visit the Fox One Corp Youtube Channel to view videos on how to setup and use the LX80/90XX computers and S-series variometers.


For a comparison of all the LX Nav variometers please see the table below:


LXNAV Standalone


S7 S3 S80 S8 S80 S8
Start of production 10/2011 11/2012 04/2014 11/2014 03/2016 03/2016




IGC Flight Recorder - - - -

Speed To Fly

Speed Command (sollfahrt)


AHRS - - Optional Optional Optional Optional
Built in Accelerometers


Built in Inertial Platform - -

Built in GPS Module - - - -

PDA/GPS ports


Built in Backup Battery - - - -

Internal Bluetooth Module - - - -

Rotary knobs 1 1 2 2 2 2
Ordinary buttons - - 3 3 3 3
Standard 57mm



Standard 80mm - -

